Coach, formateur, conférencier et fondateur d’Agile Partnership
Coach Agile depuis 2007, Eric a été exposé à l’informatique à l’âge de 13 ans alors qu’il a mis la main sur le puissant VIC-20! S’ajoutant à sa formation en informatique, Eric est titulaire d’un baccalauréat en psychosociologie. Il a su profiter de la fusion « informatique » et « psychologie des petits groupes » afin d’intervenir efficacement comme coach Agile.
Il compte plus de 20 années d’expérience en coaching, enseignement, gestion de projets et programmation et a acquis une connaissance approfondie des approches Agiles et Lean. Il a travaillé de façon continue dans ces environnements, et ce, sur des projets de tailles variées pour des clients de différents domaines d’affaires.
Quelques-unes des entreprises qu’Éric a accompagnées:
- Alstom
- CMC Esterline
- Cossette
- Desjardins
- Ivanhoe Cambridge
- iWeb
- Radio-Canada
- Raymond Chabot
- Schneider Electric
- Tyco
- TD
- Ubisoft
- Verint
Quelques témoignages:
"Grâce à son expérience et ses conseils, Éric a su nous aider dans notre transformation Agile malgré un contexte peu orthodoxe et beaucoup de défis. Il nous a grandement aidé à adapter les principes Agile à notre réalité et à revoir nos façons de faire. Son apport fut essentiel pour nous."
Luc MercierAnalyste d’affaires
"Eric is one of the most pragmatic Agile expert I know of. He’s a no nonsense type of consultant, always dedicated to the success of his customers. Eric has a large Agile and Lean toolbox that he uses effectively to help team work better together."
Joel GrenonPresident
"Eric worked for me in the context of implementing agility in my company. He is a person of great experience who has a perfect command of his subject. I remember seeing him intervene with a lot of tact and efficiency during a retrospective of a dysfunctional team. His contribution was decisive. Eric is a person I appreciate on a human level."
Hervé BrazziVP Project Development and Integration
"I worked with Éric during the Agile transition at Verint. The situation was not an easy one and from my point of view, the transition was a huge success. Éric is a good listener, and has great skills to help develop and emerge our most hidden skills. He help me to become Scrum Master and then PO, and he also helped me to bring my team to the next level."
Mortimer HubinEngineer at Verint
"Eric has accompanied several digital teams at Radio-Canada and without his collaboration, the outcome of the AGILE turn would have been very different. His impartiality, professionalism, and knowledge in web development are assets that allow him to quickly gain trust and initiate a constructive dialogue quickly with all the people involved in the desired changes. I hope to have the chance to collaborate again with Eric and I recommend his services without hesitation."
Louis PerronProduct Trustee (PO) Modules and Media at Radio-Canada