Agile Coach Camp Canada – Any suggestions?

Posted By on Juin 6, 2010

It’s almost T-minus zero for the 2010 Agile Coach Camp! This open space forum for Agile coaches will be held on June 11th and 12th in Waterloo Canada and will be a great opportunity to see how our profession is evolving and practiced in the field.

Being in an open space format (which I love) we’ll all have the opportunity to expose our own views and experiences and of course learn from fellow practitioners. Looking at all the position papers, I don’t think we’ll run out of topics!

That said, are there any Agile coaching subjects YOU feel passionate about and consider important to bring up during this event? If so, feel free to propose it and it’ll be my pleasure to add it to the queue!

I’m looking forward to sharing my experience in my next post!


  1. Salut Éric, je cherche à m’inscrire à l’événement d’AgileCaochCamp à Montréal. Quelle est la procédure d’inscription?

    Voici une suggestion de sujet : “Problems solved by Scrum Coaches»


  2. Salut Jean-Sébastien,

    Les inscriptions débuteront en février ou mars 2011. Lors de l’inscription, les participants devront remplir un très court «position paper». Tu pourras élaborer ta suggestion à ce moment.

    Au plaisir de te voir le 24 juin!



  1. Eric Laramée - #Agile Coach Camp Canada – Any suggestions?
  2. Pyxis Technologies - {: Agile Coach Camp Canada – Any suggestions?

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