The Agile Coach’s Charter

As an Agile Coach, I commit to…

  • Never apply recipes
  • Respect your distinct culture
  • Help you challenge your current culture, principles and practices
  • Let you learn from your mistakes
  • Not let you make irrecoverable mistakes
  • Help put in place an empirical process that allows learning
  • Allow you to evolve within that empirical process
  • Allow the process itself to evolve
  • Have to courage to say No
  • Telling you what you must hear and not what you would like to hear.
  • Not inflict help
  • Help you expose the value you create
  • Help you expose non-valuable activities
  • Help you identify obstacles
  • Help you identify solutions
  • Help you to communicate efficiently
  • Be continuously aware that I can be profoundly influenced by the non-Agile surroundings, immediate context and personalities. (Inspired from The Tipping Point)
  • Stay true to the Agile Manifesto

What would you add, change or simply remove?

What makes uncomfortable?

Which statement makes you stand-up and cheer?!

What would be your preferred format?

Would you sign this Charter?

is accountable towards the client


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