Fearless Journey Solitaire with Deborah Hartmann Preuss @ Agile Tour Montreal

Join the change-agent coach, Deborah Hartmann Preuss, for a demo of Fearless Solitaire, or an hour one-on-one coaching, in English or French at Agile Partnership’s booth during Agile Tour, November 13th in Montreal.

Leading change can be tough, when you find yourself imagining a future others cannot see yet. When sparring-partners are scarce, and you feel stuck or overwhelmed, “spar” with the authors of the book Fearless Change!

Fearless Solitaire helps you frame new ways to influence your system, in areas where you have no power to command change.


Deb is a passionate Certified Professional Co-Active Coach living in Germany. Together with Naresh Jain she created the AgileCoachCamp unconference meme. On the phone, she teaches Open Space facilitation and coaches change leaders, presenters, and coaches all over the world. Her self-coaching e-book is available in english and german.


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