Eric Laramée

Coach, trainer, speaker, and founder of Agile Partnership

Eric has been an Agile Coach since 2007. He was exposed to computing at the age of 13 when he got his hands on the powerful VIC-20! In addition to his training in computer science, Eric holds a bachelor’s degree in psychosociology. He has been able to take advantage of the fusion of “computer science” and “small group psychology” to effectively intervene as an Agile Coach.

He has over 20 years of experience in coaching, teaching, project management, and programming and has gained a deep understanding of Agile and Lean approaches. He has continuously worked in these environments on projects of various sizes for clients from different business sectors.

Some of the companies he accompanied:

  • Alstom

  • BDC

  • BMC

  • CMC Esterline

  • Cossette

  • Desjardins

  • Ivanhoe Cambridge

  • iWeb

  • Radio-Canada

  • Raymond Chabot

  • Schneider Electric

  • Tyco

  • TD

  • Ubisoft

  • Verint


A Few Testimonials:
