Stéphane Bourque

Coach, Speaker & Trainer

I believe that a more human-centered organization does not put the performance of the organization in the background, but rather invests in its sustainability and resilience. In other words, an organization and the people who compose it are not “two”, but indeed “one”.

My goal is to help organizations and teams in their desire to apply agile values and principles, learning with them while reaping the benefits of agility without falling into dogmatism.

I am interested in and have been learning about agility, team dynamics, facilitation, and continuous improvement for many years. Having been a manager for a long period of my career, I applied agile values, principles, and practices with my collaborators, but only started to put my Scrum Master skills into practice a few years ago.

I have developed a great interest in ideation and the facilitation of various events. I have facilitated open forums, World Cafés, Delegation Poker, and various Gamestorming events to help participants generate and share ideas and establish a plan to put them into action.

My managerial experience helps me understand the gap that separates traditional ways of doing things and the emergence of organizations where self-organized teams practice continuous improvement in order to be efficient while wishing to work together.

I am an agile coach and a certified Scrum Master since 2008 (ScrumAlliance), with technical experience and team management in IT. I firmly believe that my skills and my goal are compatible with organizations working outside of IT.

