Hope to meet you at Agile 2011 Conference!

Once again, I’ll be at the Agile Conference from August 8th to the 13th…And I can’t wait! (Even if I wasn’t successful in getting my session through…I got over it 😉 )

Flying through the Program Guide, I’ve identified what I would like or love to see.  This is just an initial plan – a wish list fraught with scheduling conflicts.  Tough choices ahead. Maybe I should prioritize, oops! I mean order my list 🙂

My Sessions Backlog:

  • Enterprise Agile Visioning and Learning from the Organization to the Person -Jean Tabaka, Julie Chickering
  • An Introduction to Non-Violent Communication (NVC) for Agile Coaches -David Chilcott
  • Facilitation & Communication in Agile Teams -Michele Sliger
  • A Transformation Path to Enterprise Agility: Change Levers, Leaders & Culture -Michael Spayd
  • Coaching Success: Getting People to Take Responsibility & Demonstrate Ownership -Christopher Avery, Ashley Johnson
  • The Budgeting Black Hole: Predicting the Unpredictable -Johanna Rothman, William Rowden
  • The Agile Leadership Kata: Discovering the Practice of Leadership -Tom Perry,
  • What We Have Learned So Far: what we got right & what we got wrong -Chet Hendrickson, Ron Jeffries
  • Negotiating Agile Contracts -Angela Druckman, Jimi Fosdick
  • Agile Methods Influencing Non-IT Projects -Clement “James” Goebel
  • Powerful Questions -Carlton Nettleton
  • Adaptive Leadership: Accelerating Organizational Agility -Jim Highsmith
  • Agile Coaching Self-Assessment — Where do you Stand on the Competencies? -Lyssa Adkins, Michael Spayd
  • Resistance as a Resource =-Dale Emery,
  • “It Depends on Context”: You CAN get there from here, if you know where here is -Ainsley Nies, Diana Larsen
  • Release your team’s intelligent energy through five powerful conversations -Declan Whelan, Bryan Beecham
  • Narrative Coaching -Scott Dunn, John DePaola
  • Seeing and Steering Systems: Three Pragmatic Tools -Esther Derby
  • Creating a Team Culture to Navigate Conflict -Lyssa Adkins
  • Do you dare to ask your HR manager to practice KANBAN? -Thushara Wijewardena
  • Bad-Assed Double-Loop Learning: From Judgmental to Good Judgement -Derek W. Wade
  • From ‘Team’ to ‘Wow team’: an agile team’s journey -Gourav Tiwari, Zainab Alikhan
  • Team Traps -Esther Derby
  • Undoing Performance Review Damage – Coaching towards Customer Purpose -Harold Shinsato, Chris Sims
  • Building an Agile Culture in a Regulated Environment -Michael Meissner
  • Agile Hardware and Co-design -Timo Punkka
  • Agile From the Top Down: Executives Practicing Agile -Jon Stahl
  • Scrum in Sales -Denny de Waard, Jeff Sutherland
  • Applying the Dreyfus Learning Model to Focus your Coaching Approach. -Simon Orrell, Jaron Lambert
  • Agile Transition in Trouble? Using the Kotter Change Model as a Diagnostic Tool -Alistair McKinnell
  • Telling Better Stories with User Story Mapping -Jeff Patton
  • Enterprise Scrum at Belgacom -Xavier Quesada Allue
  • Agile won’t work here… really? -Candi Rai, Marc-Elian Begin

What sessions are you planning to attend?

Hope to see you there!





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