Think with your hands!

Is your team is interested in new approaches to encouraging meaningful discussion about big opportunities or challenging problems? Playing with Lego can help! Serious fun can result in serious work getting done in not a lot of time, with a lot of laughter along the way. Lego Serious Play is a playful approach to tackling [...]

Is your team is interested in new approaches to encouraging meaningful discussion about big opportunities or challenging problems? Playing with Lego can help! Serious fun can result in serious work getting done in not a lot of time, with a lot of laughter along the way.

Lego Serious Play is a playful approach to tackling challenging conversations about individual professional development, team dynamics and organizational strategy and planning. Through playful work, you can engage the creativity and enthusiasm of employees who may not be contributing everything they have to offer. Strategic Play with Lego Serious Play always includes 4 phases:

1) Building a model
2) Giving meaning to the model
3) Making a story to share the metaphor and meaning with others
4) Reflecting upon the knowledge that emerges and considering how to proceed.

Everybody builds. Everybody talks. The result is the emergence of a truly shared understanding that incorporates every participant’s point of view. It’s hard work, but it’s also a lot of fun, which helps people stay in the flow zone where they are the most engaged in the work at hand and creating the most valuable insights.

Working with Michael Sahota, I’ll be co-facilitating some Strategic Play with Lego Serious Play this weekend at Agile Coach Camp US in Columbus OH. I’ll tell you more about how it goes in my next post.


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